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Photo Gallery of Backyard Storage Sheds

For questions about a storage shed or for current pricing, please call 800-823-1097 or fill out the contact form below.

We will never share your email address.
This is needed as usually there is many questions that need attention before any delivery can go out.
Please be aware that we are in New York State and Shipping great distances via shed delivery truck can be cost prohibitive . Some items can be shipped via common carrier (UPS freight etc..) These items will have to be field assembled.

A quality outdoor shed from Shed Man can be your ticket to a tidy home.

Tired of dragging garden tools down to the basement? Is your garage too small to fit the riding lawn mower and snow blower? Make your outdoor space work harder for you. Shed Man, in New Lebanon and Brunswick, New York, has been building and delivering quality storage sheds for more than thirty years.

The best sheds declutter your property and create a comfortable space for you to work at the same time. Browse our extensive gallery and find the ideal storage solution for your needs. Our extensive gallery of almost 100 shed images will help you identify the shed characteristics that you like best.

Shed Man sheds can be customized to your specific needs and tastes. In addition to the options listed below, we can add ramps, shelves or a porch to any shed.

Vinyl Siding Colors

Choose from twelve popular vinyl siding colors. (To match an existing structure, consider a wooden shed, whose siding can be painted to match exactly.)

Vinyl Shed Siding Colors

Shutters Options

Choose from six styles of shed shutters: Z shutters, raised panel shutters, 3″ slat shutters, louvered shutters, large shutters, or fancy window trim and shutters.

Shed Shutters

Single Doors

Choose from six styles: with arch trim, standard steel, 11-lite arched glass steel door, 9-lite glass steel door, 9-lite glass prehung or 11-lite arched glass prehung.

Single Shed Doors

Roofing Options

Architectural Asphalt

These durable, long-lasting shingles are available in a range of colors from light grey to dark green, and perfectly match with any type of siding, brick or stone.

Architectural Asphalt Shingles

Slate-Look Composite

This synthetic roofing material is durable and beautiful like slate, providing a unique, high-end look.

Slate-Look Composite Roof

A Shed Man shed is low maintenance. Learn more about the exceptional delivery and site work services that we offer. We can deliver and install it for you so you can use it the day it arrives. If you have any questions or concerns, please use the email form on this page or call (518) 766-5754.

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